Friday, July 19, 2013


Normally we run on autopilot.  This means we act automatically by the force of our preconditioned biased tendencies (our sub-wills) and assert no true personal power.

To have true personal power we need to focus at a higher level; and for full power, to focus in three modalities -- physical, mental and spiritual -- together.  To experience this, try the following three exercises, and then combine them into one.

First, focus your body by standing or sitting straight and feeling your feet firmly planted on the ground. Close your eyes and feel the energy of each part of your body. If you’re familiar with the Energy Meditation I teach, you may refer to that. Otherwise just do your best to drop all concerns and sense the energy in every area of your body. You may start from your feet and slowly work your way up. Your goal is to eventually feel the power of your physical presence.

Second, focus your will. You may do this by dropping all thoughts and focusing your mental energy within the space of your head.  As you do this you may begin to feel your skull or forehead tingle. Your goal is to feel the power of your will to consciously direct yourself.  

Third, focus your spirit. You may do this by feeling the goodness of your soul and its desire to do or bring something good into the world. Feel this desire as strongly as you can. Your goal is to feel the power of your loving spirit.

Once you learn to fully focus your power consciously in these three ways, try fully focusing it before taking any action. Then see the better results you get.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.


Sunday, July 14, 2013


As the sun is a constant of the sky, love is a constant of the soul.  And like the radiant sun, love can get clouded over.  But as soon as the clouds are gone, we experience what was always there -- radiant, joyful love.

What forms these dark clouds keeping love from shining through varies from individual to individual and changes throughout life.  But in all cases they are forms of negativity rooted in fear.  So the primary enemy of love is fear.  As we recognize and overcome our fears, we free our capacity to be more loving. 

So the question becomes not who to love or how much to love, but rather, how to become more free to be loving so we may truly love and be loved.

We may need to overcome much before we can fully love. And it begins by recognizing our fear.  So look within to see what you fear about love. Are you afraid of expressing it and being rejected ... or of being trapped ... or of being overcome by powerful feelings ... or that it will place too great a burden and responsibility on you ... or something else?

Once you discover what your barrier is, do the work of moving passed it. This will require the willingness to take a risk and to challenge yourself.  But as you do, something great will happen to you -- you may discover that there’s really only one thing to fear. And that is living without ever experiencing your full capacity to love ... especially with a special person with whom you decide to share life.

Goodness and joy to all,  Joseph.









Sunday, July 7, 2013



It may be helpful to better understand romantic and spiritual love. Romantic love is a biological and sexually-based love.  Its primary aims are to serve procreative instinct and basic emotional and physical needs.  This kind of love invariably develops many problems.  Given the world we live in and how things are, it can’t be otherwise. 

On the other hand, spiritual love is a heart-and soul-based love. Its aim is to serve higher evolutionary needs.  Its development is essential for solving the many problems that stem from romantic love and for raising life to its highest.

Those who weakly develop their capacity for spiritual love may find themselves constantly feeling that their lives are lacking.  If we look around at the life-dramas of people everywhere, this is painfully clear.  Where there’s a lack of spiritual love, people are usually not doing well for themselves or for each other.  They’re usually producing unnecessary conflict and pain.

Even the very religious can be subject to this great failing. Having a higher love capacity is not a matter of religiosity; it requires taking personal responsibility for reducing fear and negative feeling and opening one’s heart.  Yet many of us fail to do this. Why?  Because it takes a special effort of inner work and making a big change in how we think about ourselves, others and of love; all of which is much easier not to do.

If we think of love as something bestowed and received in special cases, then we shall always be seeking and lacking love. But if we think of love as everyone’s essential nature and take responsibility for breaking through love barriers, then we can make the shift to becoming a generous source of love, awakening love in others, and make all of our lives much richer.   

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.







Monday, July 1, 2013


HOW THE MIND WORKS                                                                           

Do you ever wonder why sometimes you’re indecisive, or don’t do what you’ve intended, or think and say things you don’t fully believe ... or do things that aren’t in your best interest?  All these normally happen to us for the same reason: THE MIND IS SPLIT.

The mind is divided into many parts (sub-wills), each trying to get control.  Consequently, we’re ruled, often capriciously, by whichever momentarily gets its own way. (This happens automatically and often subconsciously.)

When we experience ourselves thinking, we’re often actually only listening to the inner voices of our different sub-wills battling for control.  For example: let’s say you’re in a restaurant and you want pasta and this dialogue takes place in your head: a part of yourself (a Disciplinarian Sub-will) says, “You can’t have pasta. You’re on a diet.” Then another voice (a Manipulator Sub-will) says, “What the heck, you only live once” ... which your Disciplinarian Sub-will answers with, “You’re supposed to be on a diet -- REMEMBER!” Then you see a man nearby savoring pasta and your Manipulator Sub-will jumps back in with, “It’ll be okay if you only eat half and take the rest home.” This voice wins out, so you order pasta. But halfway through the meal another voice (your Pleasure-loving Sub-will) says, “This is sooo good, have just a little more.”  And before you realize it your plate is almost empty and another voice (your Critic sub-will) starts hammering at you, “This is terrible. You have no self-control.”  Finally you leave feeling defeated, overstuffed and unhappy with yourself.

THIS IS HOW THE MIND WORKS -- sub-will voices vie for control of us. However, as we learn to observe them, objectively, we can develop a new level of mind -- a Master Mind level with Primary Will.  Then we can have better control and live more successfully.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.