Friday, February 14, 2014


Meditation is often misunderstood. Yet it’s a vital key to living a more successful and enlightened life. If our society were to grasp its true value, we’d teach it in school and make it central to daily life.

The practice of meditation has many proven positive biological and psychological effects – reducing stress, sharpening mental focus, increasing effectiveness and creativity, improving physical health and extending life, as well as paving the way for consciousness developments that further human evolution and create a better world. But to gain all these benefits, it helps to have a clear understanding of what meditation is … and how to practice it most effectively.

Essentially, meditation is a method for shifting to a deeply peaceful and sublime consciousness state that temporarily weakens reactive mental mechanisms (sub-wills). It ‘lifts’ us from our usual ego-biased state to a purer, more objective and intuitively open state … whereby we can perceive reality more truthfully and fully, feel more positive and compassionate, act more constructively and wisely, live at a highly inspired and energetic level and know our true creative nature and great potential.

Some meditators are unable to fully achieve all these benefits because they use a limited meditation technique, or they don’t meditate regularly or deeply enough or they treat meditation as an isolated ritualistic practice separate from everyday living.

To overcome some of these limitations, I recommend practicing OPELI MEDITATION and applying the higher consciousness state it produces to every aspect of daily life.

OPELI is a five-part soul-focusing technique (see my 8/12/12 posting); it not only focuses and quiets the mind, as do other meditative techniques, but it also focuses our intuitive energetic body (soul) – the true locus of spiritual empowerment.  

As we bring this more fully focused self to bear in daily life, its wondrous ‘magic’ takes hold, concretely manifesting and fulfilling true soul desires.