Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Sub-wills are mental formations that ‘will’ much of our behavior; they automatically trigger and shape our reactions, often subconsciously causing us to think, feel and choose as we do. So while we may feel in control and believe that we’re acting in our best interest, often we’re actually not.

This isn't always obvious. But when a ‘Worry Wart’ sub-will is triggered, we waste time and energy worrying needlessly, believing we’re just trying to solve a problem; when a ‘Busy Bee’ sub-will takes charge, believing we’re getting necessary things done, we may just be keeping ourselves too busy to ‘smell the roses’ or to be in touch with a deeper soulful self.

Each of us has many sub-wills which often capriciously lead us through life, to our detriment, limiting our effectiveness and causing needless problems. And to the extent that we become aware of them and gain an authentic self-control, we may act truly in our best interest … and have a better life.

Self-observation (also known as witnessing) helps us greatly in this regard. It is the practice of making a special effort to be mindful of sub-will behavior and not identify with it; to see it for what it really is – mindlessly acting out old conditioning.

As one does this, one gains an expanded and more objective self-aware mental state able to be more creatively and wisely in charge – an optimal ‘Master Mind’ state.    

By firmly establishing this higher mental state we gain a new efficacy and sense of authentic being, as well as the ability to access higher intuitive creative consciousness powers -- at will!  And at this superior level of functioning, we manifest our greatest possibilities and live at peak.

Thus, developing a higher and more authentic state of mind is truly what’s in our best interest.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.


Friday, December 13, 2013


Can any good come from disaster?  I think so.

When disaster strikes we may at first see only the black empty hole of helplessness, hopelessness and despair.  We might even temporarily lose faith in God and government.  Yet in a calmer moment we may come to realize that disaster can have a spiritual purpose. It can cause an awakening and a huge change in hearts and minds. 

As dreadful and painful as a disaster is for those who undergo it, it may be the only way for many of us to awaken from petty self-indulgent ego-centered dreams.  Disaster may be, unfortunately, exactly what’s needed to awaken the soul and help us realize that at essence we’re all one ... that we share a common vulnerability -- that no matter how much we have, we can suddenly lose everything.  And there are many ways to lose everything!

Disaster can also spur us to create a better world by awakening in us the importance of becoming a more responsible citizen and neighbor, making sure we have government that works right and helping others every way we can. 

We must learn this lesson -- and never forget it -- that there, but for the grace of God, goes every one of us.

When we forget this and fail to act accordingly, we fall from grace. We lose vitality of soul.  But when we remember it, and give to others, we strengthen ourselves as a people and live a more meaningful life.

So if disaster helps us to appreciate our vulnerability and oneness with others and get our priorities straight, then it has served us well.  Otherwise, it’s just meaningless plight.  Give new significance to disaster; it’s a wake up call to begin a kinder and more loving life.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.


Friday, December 6, 2013


Would you like to experience self-fulfillment on a daily basis?  Well, you can, once you understand what it is and how it comes about. 

True self-fulfillment doesn't come with victory, conquest or great achievement (as you may have been led to believe). These are ego-boosters which, at the moment of realization, produce feelings of exhilaration and pride. But they don’t produce fulfillment. For that we need to satisfy much more than our appetites, desires and ego.

It may be helpful to note the difference between gratification, satisfaction and fulfillment. Gratification comes from meeting bodily needs, like hunger and lust. Satisfaction comes from meeting ego needs, i.e., getting what we want. But fulfillment comes from meeting the soul’s need to experience goodness; then we experience high energy and feel fulfilled.

Thus, fulfillment doesn't come from what we do or get, but from how much good we do or give; it results from the quality of our being and actions taken.

So to experience greater fulfillment, expand the powers of your higher nature by growing into a more conscious, creative and loving person; express more of the goodness-creating power of your soul.

This is the secret to self-fulfillment ... and to having a more wonderful life.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.


Sunday, November 17, 2013

The better we can respond to life situations, the better life we can have.
For example, in a thunderstorm you can tell yourself that it’s a rotten day and feel bad about it or tell yourself that nature is producing an enlivening event and enjoy it. 
Or, when someone complains about something you did, you can take it as an attack and get combative or take it as an opportunity to listen respectfully and increase understanding. Then, instead of weakening your relationship, you may strengthen it.
How we respond to events makes a great difference. Usually, the more constructively and creatively we respond, the better results we can get. But often this may not seem possible because negative reactions quickly take over.
To counter this, it helps to practice SELF-OBSERVATION: watching over oneself with some detachment.
When we do this it becomes possible to choose more constructive and creative responses – even when events are unpleasant and normally disturbing for us. This is because by observing ourselves, we may notice our negative feelings beginning to rise, then put a hold on them long enough to try to see things from a different angle. And once we do, we may be then able to take a more positive action. We might even lose our seriousness and see something comic about the situation and respond with amusement. 
Self-observation is a simple thing, but it can be difficult to do because we must remember to do it.  But making the effort is well worth it. It can completely change the quality of your life.  I’ve seen it happen in my own life as well as in the lives of many others.
Practice OBJECTIVE SELF-OBSERVATION and see what it can do for you.
Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.

Friday, November 1, 2013


When living at soul level, we feel fully alive and on track to completely fulfilling our divine nature. And the more we do this, the greater our lives will be.

Listen to your soul’s yearnings; it’s the disquiet and unrest we may feel when we’re not moving toward fulfilling our greatest life possibilities. If your life feels ordinary and not very fulfilling, here are a few tips to live more at soul level:

Elicit inspiration, often. The moment we feel inspired we experience a great rush of soul-energy wanting to be materialized through our actions … we become exhilarated.

To elicit inspiration we need to look beyond our usual goals and visualize doing something especially wonderful – something deep down that our soul wants us to do. It can be something small, such as simply acknowledging to a friend how much you appreciate their friendship or it can be something big, such as starting a new project.

With inspiration comes some resistance; usually it’s an automatic given because inspiration requires us to make a special effort. When that happens, confront your resistance. It can take the form of negative thoughts or a falling back into old habits, distracting or stalling us. 

Keep in mind that living the greater life of your soul is not free: the cost is overcoming resistance. And when we do that, the soul matures and expands … we become more creatively powerful and alive with soulful joy and fulfillment.

Another suggestion (and something you can do every day): envision yourself being more giving, loving, forgiving, patient, caring, accepting or compassionate toward someone you’re sure to soon encounter. And if resistance rises -- just go through it, and see the great difference in your life that you make.

Each time we overcome resistance and follow inspiration we upgrade life. Just try it and see.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.


Friday, October 18, 2013


Most people don’t know how to use their intuitive faculty deliberately.  They often confuse impulses driven by subconscious wishes or fears with authentic intuition.  Just as with logic and reasoning powers, if we don’t develop intuition and learn to use it effectively, we live at a great disadvantage.

Intuition does not replace logic and reasoning -- it complements them. Where logic and reasoning tend to narrow our field of focus, intuition expands it beyond our normal conscious mental operations. Intuition is the backbone of creativity, discovery and great life achievements.  Without its development -- no matter how intelligent or talented we may be -- we function only at a fraction of our potential; but how to develop it? 

Here’s a process that may help: First decide on what you’d like to intuitively reach for and know; then close your eyes, quiet your mind and sense a vast space within; next notice what significant seed word, phrase or image spontaneously arises; then focus further on this seed until a fully formed intuitive awareness comes. 

Accessing your intuition can take only a few seconds.  But if you lose focus or don’t focus deeply enough, you may need to keep trying and draw the process out.  However, if nothing comes in a few minutes, stop.  You need not work at it more than that.  Once the intention has been set, your mind will automatically keep working on it subconsciously.  Then later, when you least expect it, the knowledge you sought may suddenly appear. 

Keep using and developing your intuitive sense along with your logic and reasoning; together they allow you to be more consciously in control of creating your best life. 

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.


Saturday, October 5, 2013


Our reality view determines how we think, feel and act, so depending what it is -- Materialistic, Humanistic or Spiritualistic – we’ll experience a different life.

In a Materialist’s view, life is by chance and all our efforts and successes inevitably lead to nonexistence, making life meaningless in the end. With a materialist’s view, gaining pleasure, possessions, comfort and control are the primary aims of life. And at the edge of death, a Materialist’s greatest satisfaction may be only to know that an escape from all pain and passing of possessions to kin is at hand.

In a Humanist’s view, life is a creative self-actualization process. And while he may still face all the challenges of physical existence as Materialist do, by recognizing a higher human nature and seeking to develop it, life can be richer, more meaningful and more fulfilling. As Humanist, we may attempt to improve our character and learn to act more ethically, justly, compassionately, kindly and creatively. And we may gain the fulfillment of developing good relationships and producing more good in the world for all to share. However, as a Humanist, life still ends and we’re left to face death just as we reach our peak. For the Humanist, life’s end can be bittersweet.

In a Spiritualist’s view, life’s possibilities are limitless and steadily unfolding a divine evolutionary process; we recognize ourselves as souls having a human experience and gain a new, more expansive and harmonious relationship to life, including the benefits of Materialism and Humanism. Then, all of life’s challenges may be taken as divine gifts for spurring soul development. Then, we may live more intuitively, lovingly and wisely, and freely draw upon the power of a greater creative intelligence that we’re all part of.  Then, we may dispel fear and find no futility or meaninglessness in living and dying. And then, we may see death as a life adventure just completed and a joyful return to our spiritual home.

Now ask yourself -- which reality view delivers the most for you?

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.


Friday, September 27, 2013


A greater self exists at the innermost core of our being.  Yet many of us may only know a very limited personal self and don’t know or experience this greater self very well, if at all.

Most of humanity is in this position and either denies the existence of a greater self or just gives it lip service.  Thus, for most, a greater self either doesn't exist or it exists only as a lofty idea.

This is the prevailing situation and current state of human affairs.  But it’s rapidly changing.  Today, many are searching for more from life than just what their personal self automatically provides.  And with this urge, a commitment to bringing a greater self into sharper focus can grow and a special kind of inner work may begin.

The work involves self-discovery processes that lead to a deeper knowing of oneself and eventually to life mastery. This work may be done in groups or on one’s own. Either way, it’s necessary to practice certain techniques that bring the mind to a higher state and make one’s greater self more evident.

This process may have already begun for you. If you've made such a breakthrough, you know exactly what I mean ... and there’s no turning back. But until this breakthrough occurs, the truth of who we each really are may remain a mystery. And while you may sense that there’s something more to you, you may not know exactly how to bring it about.

If you experience such a spiritual uneasiness, it may be time for your greater self to emerge. So give your greater self some attention and you may discover a much greater life lies ahead.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.


Friday, September 20, 2013


Spiritual wisdom advises us to 'live in the moment.'  It's important to understand this in the context of truly knowing ourselves.

It's true that we can't live in the past or future, only in the present.  But it's also true that how consciously we act in the present depends a great deal on how aware we are of our subconscious feelings and aims.  The better we know these, the more authentically we may live in the present.

For example, some might read best sellers not because such books really interest them but to appear smart and in the know.  Or, some might go rock climbing not because they enjoy physical challenge, but because they want something to boast about.

Thus, to live in the moment authentically, we need to know where our actions are coming from.  This is often the error of the sensualist and existentialist, for they may live not just in the moment, but for the moment, without looking inward to know where their actions are coming from.

To live authentically in the HERE and NOW takes deep self-awareness and the ability to express one’s intrinsic true self.  Then bliss and fulfillment results.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.


Friday, September 6, 2013


By raising awareness to a Master Mind level, we increase personal effectiveness in all areas of living. Because at this level, we readily access authentic intuition, true knowing, and the power to deliberately manifest our best life outcomes.

Focusing at the Master Mind level is the secret key to excelling at life.

In one’s ordinary consciousness state, the mind is passively reactive; it automatically produces a steady stream of biased reactions driven by the various ‘wills’ of different parts of personality (sub-wills).  So no central master-will is in charge. Instead, we’re often ruled capriciously by many different sub-wills.  Thus, we may often find ourselves ambivalent or acting in conflict with what we profess to want and contrary to our best interests.

In the ordinary consciousness state, different parts of the whole self (sub-wills) often want different things and undermine our ability to live our most harmonious, happy and fruitful lives.


At any moment we may live semi consciously or more fully consciously; ruled automatically by our sub-wills and their biased agendas or by the creativity and overseeing wisdom of our Master Mind. The difference lies in the degree of self-awareness and understanding we've developed.

Once we truly know this, we can choose to do the work of increasing self-awareness and training to live more at our Master Mind level.

Goodness and joy to all,  Joseph.


Friday, August 16, 2013


Normally, we’re ruled by ego, biases and habits, all of which determine how we see, think, feel and act, and the quality of life we can have.  However, as we free ourselves from the grip of these self-limiting inner determinants, a superior Master Mind level of Self can come into focus. 

At this level we have a more powerful presence; our will and intuitive powers strengthen; we see more fully and objectively; we think more clearly, deeply and creatively; we make better decisions and act more constructively; and we’re more in touch with our moral compass. At this level we’re able to live more successfully and meaningfully as our best Self.

But to get to this greater Self we must learn to take command of our mind and to sense intuitively with our whole being.  As we develop these two key abilities, we gain a more powerful way to act in the world.

Realizing one’s MASTER MIND is actually an evolutionary leap forward in consciousness ... just what’s necessary for creating the better life and world that we want. This is the great challenge of our times.

And unless we take on this challenge we’re destined to keep recreating the same life conditions -- personally, nationally and internationally. We may hope for and dream of a better life and better world, but what we actually can produce depends upon our level of mind.

Those who discover their Master Mind know the secret of true life success; those who don’t unwittingly restrict their quality of life. So for a better life, develop your Master Mind.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.


Friday, August 9, 2013


The moment we become objectively mindful, we enter our Master Mind state.  At this level we negotiate life’s twists and turns more ably and creatively and enjoy a more fulfilling life.

This is the simple key to life mastery, yet it can be difficult to achieve. First, because in our ‘normal’ state of consciousness we have a strong tendency to automatically be biased.  Second, because our biased reactions may seem to be our only way to respond to life events. Third, because we tend to immediately defend and justify our reactions, whatever they are. Fourth, because making an effort to see objectively may seem impossible or ‘anti-self’.  Fifth, because even if we want to be objective, we may easily get ‘lost’ in the hustle and bustle of daily life and not remember to make an effort to do so. Sixth, because it takes consistent effort and strong determination to often be mindful.

With all this working against us, the ability to be objectively mindful and live at the Master Mind level is greatly suppressed. However, once we decide to make the effort to do so, it can be useful, if not necessary, to practice the technique of SELF-REMEMBERING.

SELF-REMEMBERING is the practice of taking note of oneself many times a day ... and each time, attempting to ‘awaken’ from the subjective trance-like ego state that we’re normally automatically in.  As we succeed at making this awakening shift, we increase our Master Mind capacity.

Thus, SELF-REMEMBERING is a key tool for developing life mastery. If you wish to raise the quality of your awareness, actions and life results, I recommend that you practice it every day along with Mindful Meditation (focusing attention on the present).

Goodness and joy to all,  Joseph.


Friday, July 19, 2013


Normally we run on autopilot.  This means we act automatically by the force of our preconditioned biased tendencies (our sub-wills) and assert no true personal power.

To have true personal power we need to focus at a higher level; and for full power, to focus in three modalities -- physical, mental and spiritual -- together.  To experience this, try the following three exercises, and then combine them into one.

First, focus your body by standing or sitting straight and feeling your feet firmly planted on the ground. Close your eyes and feel the energy of each part of your body. If you’re familiar with the Energy Meditation I teach, you may refer to that. Otherwise just do your best to drop all concerns and sense the energy in every area of your body. You may start from your feet and slowly work your way up. Your goal is to eventually feel the power of your physical presence.

Second, focus your will. You may do this by dropping all thoughts and focusing your mental energy within the space of your head.  As you do this you may begin to feel your skull or forehead tingle. Your goal is to feel the power of your will to consciously direct yourself.  

Third, focus your spirit. You may do this by feeling the goodness of your soul and its desire to do or bring something good into the world. Feel this desire as strongly as you can. Your goal is to feel the power of your loving spirit.

Once you learn to fully focus your power consciously in these three ways, try fully focusing it before taking any action. Then see the better results you get.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.


Sunday, July 14, 2013


As the sun is a constant of the sky, love is a constant of the soul.  And like the radiant sun, love can get clouded over.  But as soon as the clouds are gone, we experience what was always there -- radiant, joyful love.

What forms these dark clouds keeping love from shining through varies from individual to individual and changes throughout life.  But in all cases they are forms of negativity rooted in fear.  So the primary enemy of love is fear.  As we recognize and overcome our fears, we free our capacity to be more loving. 

So the question becomes not who to love or how much to love, but rather, how to become more free to be loving so we may truly love and be loved.

We may need to overcome much before we can fully love. And it begins by recognizing our fear.  So look within to see what you fear about love. Are you afraid of expressing it and being rejected ... or of being trapped ... or of being overcome by powerful feelings ... or that it will place too great a burden and responsibility on you ... or something else?

Once you discover what your barrier is, do the work of moving passed it. This will require the willingness to take a risk and to challenge yourself.  But as you do, something great will happen to you -- you may discover that there’s really only one thing to fear. And that is living without ever experiencing your full capacity to love ... especially with a special person with whom you decide to share life.

Goodness and joy to all,  Joseph.









Sunday, July 7, 2013



It may be helpful to better understand romantic and spiritual love. Romantic love is a biological and sexually-based love.  Its primary aims are to serve procreative instinct and basic emotional and physical needs.  This kind of love invariably develops many problems.  Given the world we live in and how things are, it can’t be otherwise. 

On the other hand, spiritual love is a heart-and soul-based love. Its aim is to serve higher evolutionary needs.  Its development is essential for solving the many problems that stem from romantic love and for raising life to its highest.

Those who weakly develop their capacity for spiritual love may find themselves constantly feeling that their lives are lacking.  If we look around at the life-dramas of people everywhere, this is painfully clear.  Where there’s a lack of spiritual love, people are usually not doing well for themselves or for each other.  They’re usually producing unnecessary conflict and pain.

Even the very religious can be subject to this great failing. Having a higher love capacity is not a matter of religiosity; it requires taking personal responsibility for reducing fear and negative feeling and opening one’s heart.  Yet many of us fail to do this. Why?  Because it takes a special effort of inner work and making a big change in how we think about ourselves, others and of love; all of which is much easier not to do.

If we think of love as something bestowed and received in special cases, then we shall always be seeking and lacking love. But if we think of love as everyone’s essential nature and take responsibility for breaking through love barriers, then we can make the shift to becoming a generous source of love, awakening love in others, and make all of our lives much richer.   

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.







Monday, July 1, 2013


HOW THE MIND WORKS                                                                           

Do you ever wonder why sometimes you’re indecisive, or don’t do what you’ve intended, or think and say things you don’t fully believe ... or do things that aren’t in your best interest?  All these normally happen to us for the same reason: THE MIND IS SPLIT.

The mind is divided into many parts (sub-wills), each trying to get control.  Consequently, we’re ruled, often capriciously, by whichever momentarily gets its own way. (This happens automatically and often subconsciously.)

When we experience ourselves thinking, we’re often actually only listening to the inner voices of our different sub-wills battling for control.  For example: let’s say you’re in a restaurant and you want pasta and this dialogue takes place in your head: a part of yourself (a Disciplinarian Sub-will) says, “You can’t have pasta. You’re on a diet.” Then another voice (a Manipulator Sub-will) says, “What the heck, you only live once” ... which your Disciplinarian Sub-will answers with, “You’re supposed to be on a diet -- REMEMBER!” Then you see a man nearby savoring pasta and your Manipulator Sub-will jumps back in with, “It’ll be okay if you only eat half and take the rest home.” This voice wins out, so you order pasta. But halfway through the meal another voice (your Pleasure-loving Sub-will) says, “This is sooo good, have just a little more.”  And before you realize it your plate is almost empty and another voice (your Critic sub-will) starts hammering at you, “This is terrible. You have no self-control.”  Finally you leave feeling defeated, overstuffed and unhappy with yourself.

THIS IS HOW THE MIND WORKS -- sub-will voices vie for control of us. However, as we learn to observe them, objectively, we can develop a new level of mind -- a Master Mind level with Primary Will.  Then we can have better control and live more successfully.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.


Saturday, June 22, 2013


Three common ways to lose conscious control are through lapses of attention, automatic emotional reactions and subconscious life directives.  

Lapses of attention are common.  We might not notice a car coming as we cross the street or hear an important announcement or parts of a conversation.  At such times we may miss important information and not be able to make our best response. To avoid such lapses, it helps to practice mindfulness -- the discipline of staying absolutely focused on what’s happening HERE AND NOW.

Automatic emotional reacting is also a common way to lose conscious control.  When blinded by anger, shut down by sadness or carried away by joyful enthusiasm, we may easily narrow our awareness and lose conscious control. To avoid this kind of control loss, it helps to become grounded in a higher aspect of self.  Practicing meditation and other consciousness- developing techniques help accomplish this.

Subconscious life directives are another common way to lose conscious control; usually formed early in life, life directives establish themselves as unconscious ruling principles (sub-wills) that automatically control us.  Some such life directives are: don’t take chances; don’t expect too much from life; avoid big commitments or big responsibilities.

Sub-will life-directives usually work subconsciously, so spotting and remedying them can be difficult. But by practicing self-observation and introspection, we can learn to spot them and loosen their grip on us.

By increasing conscious control in these three ways, we increase our ability to live more successfully.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.

Friday, June 14, 2013


Quality of consciousness is a key factor in determining the kind of life we can have.  As we develop it, we better appreciate the creative power of our thoughts, think more positively and constructively, and act more conscientiously, compassionately and lovingly … and get the good results we seek.  The less we develop it, the more likely we are not to think correctly ahead or to respond harshly or shoddily and produce negative results. 

The old adage: “What you don’t know won’t hurt you,” isn’t true. What you don’t know can hurt you! Ignorance is a lack of consciousness development and in it we live at greater risk.

If you don't know that a bad habit is making you ill, you may go merrily along until it’s too late. If you don’t know how your mate truly feels, you may think the relationship is good until a breakup comes suddenly. If you don’t know you’re in a bad investment, you may think you’re doing fine until your money is suddenly gone (consider any Madoff investor).

Any lack in the caliber of one’s consciousness produces a lack in the quality of life; good intentions are not enough -- an improvement in consciousness is what’s needed.

This being so, we might think that consciousness development would be a major goal of society and every person in it.  Not so.  Usually, little or no focus is placed on it.  The reason is simply that most people don’t yet understand the power and role of consciousness and thought in shaping their lives.  Until they do, it’s not going to be an important concern for many. And humanity will continue seeking the causes of its ills in the wrong places -- blaming each other, government and bad luck for their problems, when in fact the cause often lies in lack of consciousness development.

To improve our lives and the world, Ghandi wisely advised, “Be the change you wish to see in the world”. Thus, we don’t have to wait or live at great risk, needlessly – just work daily at improving our own state of consciousness.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.





Monday, June 3, 2013


We may think that we see reality well, but the fact is perception is highly selective and subjective -- usually we look only at what interests us or strongly demands our attention; we see with a preconditioned biased mind. Thus we don’t see reality as well as we may think. 

Here’s a simple experiment. You’ve looked at your hands many times in your life and so let’s use them as objects for an experiment.

Put your hands together any way you wish. Hold them perfectly still for a minute and pretend you’re looking at a life-like sculpture of them.

As you do this notice that the more detached you are, the more you see things you didn’t expect. Your hands may even begin to feel foreign or strange to you. It may feel like you’re seeing them for the first time.

Through this simple experiment we may experience how we don’t normally perceive commonplace reality as well as we may think we do. And this normal lack of perception especially applies to the people and situations we experience daily. Instead of seeing them as they truly are, we may often see only a very limited idea of them. And because of this, we may not deal with them as effectively as we could.

Practice meeting people and situations with a clear unbiased mind. Don’t accept your automatic first thoughts of them. See if you can discover how much more interesting and different reality is than you normally expect.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.





Monday, May 27, 2013


Would you like a taste of life mastery … right now?! Try this and see what you experience.

Clear your mind of all desires, fears and judgments, and completely accept yourself and everything in the world just as is. Be a kind and loving center of awareness.  Keep thinking -- "I’m here not to judge, just to bring love to whatever I’m doing and whomever I’m with."

This may not be easy to do. But if you do it -- even partially – you may discover a more consciously aware and able self; a self momentarily free from habitual limitations and negative patterns.

Once we stop being our usual automatic selves (living less mindfully), we clear the way for responding to life in more adaptive, appropriate and creative ways; we live more consciously.

It’s a matter of first accepting life as it is and as it comes to us -- not wasting energy in complaining, criticizing and discrediting; instead, generating high positive energy and interacting from a highly caring and conscientious center within oneself. 

If you can do this for just a small part of your day, you’ll have a taste of life mastery. Try it and see how truly grand your life can be. But if you don’t do it, or can’t do it, consider trying to discover what's in your way; you may gain a great liberating insight and begin the journey toward life mastery.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.



Saturday, May 18, 2013


Sometimes I’m asked, “If sub-wills are usually subconsciously and automatically dominating me, how do I know when I’m being my True Self?”  My short answer is: it’s like love; you know it when you experience it.

As with any great revelation, knowing your True Self is a WOW experience that may suddenly come upon you. For a simple analogy, let’s say you’ve been living with low energy and poor health for so long that this low grade experience of yourself has become your accepted normal Self. Then one day you begin a health program of proper nutrition and exercise. And after a few months you wake up with a new vitality.  Suddenly you feel like a new person, like the true healthy and energetic person you were meant to be.

Another way to understand your True Self is by considering childhood. If you were a normal healthy child, you may have experienced your True Self back then.  At that time you weren’t burdened or ruled by preconceptions and beliefs. You were free to fully be your natural self, alive with curiosity and intelligence and in touch with your creative instincts. And even though you weren’t your adult optimal True Self yet, you nonetheless were a nascent True Self, authentic in every way and brimming with the creative energy of life.

These are two preliminary ways of understanding your True Self. It’s an authentic state of being we tend to lose as we become young adults and can regain by doing some inner work; this work involves increasing awareness of our sub-wills and the reactive behaviors they cause, developing a central Master Will that is in true control, and learning to tune in our higher intuitive knowing.

By doing this inner work we become who we really are and were mean to be.

Goodness and joy to all,  Joseph.





Monday, May 6, 2013


These are three key words to help lead you more successfully through life.  Each represents a step to be taken many times a day.

However simple and valuable as they are, you may find them challenging; they require making many special efforts throughout each day -- the efforts of remembering to do them, and the efforts of actually doing them. 

The word WATCH instructs us to be observant, especially of our own actions; to be well aware of why and how we’re doing whatever we’re doing, and then of the results our actions produce. If we conscientiously and objectively watch all this, we can get our best immediate results as well as learn to be more effective in the future.

The second word, WAIT, instructs us to be patient; to give everything its due time to unfold. Impatience is a form of unnecessary suffering. When we’re impatient we put ourselves out of step with the natural rhythms of life. (We’ve all learned at one time or another that if we don’t wait for the paint to dry, we’ll find ourselves in a mess.)

The third word, LISTEN applies to the ‘voice’ of the highest and wisest self that exists deep within each of us. This voice is always there, just below the surface of consciousness, trying to guide and advise us.  By making a special effort to focus inwardly and listen for its guidance, we direct ourselves more wisely.

These are three simple steps we can take many times a day. Try practicing them and see what a difference in your life they can make.

Goodness and joy to all,  Joseph.


Saturday, April 27, 2013


I was skeptical about God.  I couldn’t understand how, if an all-powerful all-loving God did exist, he could create such a mess.  I concluded that if I were God, I would’ve done a better job.  Some ego, huh?   Actually, it was more than ego; it was a total misunderstanding of God.  But once I developed a new view of God, everything made perfect sense.  Here’s my present view.

God is the primary force underlying the existence of all things and expresses higher creative possibilities through us as our consciousness increases. To state it poetically -- God sleeps in earth and rocks ... dreams in plants and trees ... stirs in insects and animals ... and awakens in primitive man and humans.  And to the extent that we raise consciousness and become one with God, creates divine experiences through us; thus we all have an opportunity to experience life at its highest level -- as often as we wish.

This is our greatest possibility -- if we choose it. God doesn’t force it upon us. God gives us the potential of free choice and if we don’t actualize it doesn’t judge, condemn or punish us; we’re free to live and act just as we do.

Yet life is a special opportunity to realize our divine nature and immense creative power.  This is the great secret of life. So when not liking the life you’re having or results you’re getting, consider what you’ve been choosing. 

When I understand God, life, and myself in this way, it then seems that God has created a ‘perfect’ world.  Instead of a mess, God created an optimal condition of freedom and boundless opportunity for us to awaken to, and manifest our highest possibilities; what we choose -- or fail to choose -- determines the life we get. What could be fairer and more wonderful then that?

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.


Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Consciousness is the key to good living -- the more conscious we are, the more effective and successful and fulfilling our actions can be. 

This is a primary fact of life. Yet many people don’t even consider the possibility of developing their consciousness. They take their consciousness for granted and assume there’s nothing to develop, as if their consciousness were already at its peak.

his is an egotistical self-deception.  And those who get past it discover the possibility of a great new way of life -- one of continual self-expansion.

If you’d like to expand your consciousness right now, here’s an exercise to try: imagine yourself as you once were as a three year old child.  At that time you had no preconceptions. Everything was open for discovery and amazement.   You naturally saw with wide open innocent eyes. So now, see if you can bring yourself back to that earlier innocent childhood state.  And then take a visual tour of your surroundings from a child’s point of view.

Once you succeed at making this shift of innocent-seeing, try seeing the people in your life in the same way -- as if for the first time, with no judgments and opinions.

To get into an innocent child’s wide-eyed state of mind may take a serious effort at playacting. However, if you do it successfully, you may gain an improved perception, connection and interaction with all in your world ... and have some truly surprising and enlightening experiences.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.



Monday, April 15, 2013


Much is not possible just because of certain beliefs that we hold. But if we change those beliefs, then what was not possible can suddenly become possible ... and a personal miracle may unfold. The truth is that life itself is a miracle. And we don’t really know all that’s actually possible.

My life has been proof of this. I grew up poor with the beliefs that life is very hard and always lacking.  As long as these beliefs held, my life reflected it.  As I changed these beliefs (and many others), my life got better.  And now I have a better life than I could ever have imagined -- a solid love relationship; financial security; a home I love; good friends; and divinely-inspired work -- writing, creating art, leading Life Mastery workshops and spiritually guiding those who seek me out.  All yielding me great fulfillment and joy.

In early adulthood, I couldn’t imagine my life getting as good as it is now, but as I changed certain beliefs I felt and acted differently and my life possibilities opened up. 

Many self-limiting beliefs are formed in childhood. To free ourselves this is where we often need to begin to look. So reconsider some of your oldest and most cherished beliefs. Challenge their validity. Test them out. And then try believing something new and more positive about yourself, others and your life’s possibilities. If you take this path you may soon find yourself feeling and acting differently and accomplishing what you once thought was impossible for you.

Goodness and joy to all,  Joseph.


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