Saturday, July 19, 2014

The brain’s Prefrontal Lobe (PFL), which sits behind the forehead, is the most recently evolved area of the brain. Many creative, executive, and other higher mental functions are coordinated or take place there. It provides the basis for a HIGHER FUNCTIONING MIND AND SELF.
Developing this higher level self is the next step in human evolution and exactly what’s needed for improving life. It’s the key to awakening and evolving authentic spirituality and the means for achieving TRUE LIFE SUCCESS … the true aim of all great spiritual teachers and practices.
We have this inherent possibility, but it requires belief in it … and intention … and daily effort to actualize it.  Absent these, we default to a lesser and usual level of self -- regardless of intelligence and talent.
At its default level, the mind largely operates re-actively and is subconsciously driven by ego, inappropriate or irrational emotions, physical urges, biases and mindless habits – which often lead to less favorable results ... and at times, lead to harm to self and others.
Such failures are essentially caused by not recognizing the limits of one’s default mental functioning and thus make no effort to practice more mindful living. Until this is done, personal and human progress remain stalled; greater possibilities go unfulfilled no matter how great are our desires, good intentions and efforts may be -- we may dream, plan, scheme and struggle in vain … and still be less fulfilled in the end.
This is a key fact of human life!
Thus we owe it to ourselves to develop a higher-conscious level of mind – i.e., practice mindfulness, self-awareness, conscientiousness, introspection and meditation. Developing a higher functioning self is the only true path forward.
Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.