Saturday, May 30, 2015


Thought is creative in a very personal and fundamental way; it has been found that thoughts not only produce different neuron-firing patterns in the brain, but also physiological changes in the body that affect our health, how we feel and act, and ultimately our quality of life experience.

Therefore it behooves us to be mindful of what we think at each moment, for it’s a primary cause of the life we experience and get; the more positive our thoughts, the more positive our experiences and outcomes are likely to be.

The power of positive thinking is well known and established; however, its power is dependent upon what we truly believe deep-down. And that’s why merely trying to think positively doesn’t always work; when hidden negative core beliefs are in conflict with our positive thoughts, those beliefs override the thoughts and undermine our attempts to be positive.

So to support the power of positive thinking, our fundamental beliefs must be positive as well - core-mindset matters most. This is why it’s so important to identify hidden primary negative beliefs established early in life and reconstruct them. Then positive thinking can be fully effective.

This is where certain forms of therapy and spiritual teaching can be helpful. As they help us clear out fundamental negative beliefs, we unblock our power to create the better life we want.

Bottom line: to maximize the power of positive thinking, root out core negative beliefs.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.