Wednesday, October 5, 2011


We may observe that the world, as well as most peoples’ lives, is in constant conflict and struggle ... and wonder if this has to be so. And if not, what the solution may be. Here’s my take on it:

Most humans are not fully ‘awakened’ beings; thus life is unnecessarily narrow and difficult. However, as we progress along a path of seven levels of awakening (awareness leaps we can make), our capacity to live with ease and flourish expands. Most of us get to the third level, some to the fourth, and very few get beyond that.

These seven levels of awakening are part of a natural consciousness growth process ... and perhaps The Divine Plan. Briefly, here’s how it goes.

The first awakening occurs at birth, when we leave the darkness of the womb and gain awareness of a sensory outer world. The second comes in infancy as we awaken to our own separate bodily existence and begin to explore this outer world on our own. The third comes in early childhood when we awaken to ourselves as a thinking self and begin developing a thinking mind -- i.e., a personal collection of mental representations of ourselves, others, and our world. This thinking self usually reaches a plateau at some point in adulthood.

This is as far as most people go.The next four awakenings are more difficult and require a special kind of mental work and often the help of an experienced guide. These are awakening to: our programmed subconscious mind (sub-wills), our objective overseeing Master Will, our intuitive channel of perception, and our divinely loving soul.

These four higher awakenings are experienced by a rare few, but the numbers are increasing. And as more people awaken to these higher levels of being, human life will become more peaceful, harmonious, loving, joyful and free.

LIFE MASTERY TRAINING supports the higher levels of this ‘awakening’ process. If you’re interested in finding out more, see WEEKLY LIFE MASTERY TRAINING link at the upper left of this site, or go to:

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.