Wednesday, January 25, 2012


We all know about higher enjoyments because we all experience them from time to time -- creative expression, loving connection, beauty, etc. The key to elevating our experience of life is to increase the frequency of such exquisitely fulfilling moments until we can have them often everyday.

Enjoyments are good; they affirm and give meaning to life. But you may have noticed, as I have, that with physical pleasure, we quickly reach a point of saturation beyond which there is a diminishing return. We can eat or have sex only so much until we find enjoyment turns into indifference ... and if pushed far enough, can even turn into repulsion, distress or pain.

However, higher enjoyments are more spiritual in nature and don’t play out this way. When we’re creating, loving, giving and joyfully playing, the excitement and pleasure we feel is tremendously expansive and we don’t easily reach a saturation point. What’s more, we set a chain reaction in motion. Instead of the pleasure diminishing, it magnifies and multiplies. This is because higher enjoyments come from expanding our sense of self and putting our spiritual goodness out into the world. And this usually increases our positive energy and brings us some good in return.

We may call this living in creative spirit. It’s what I believe having a divine life is truly about. The more we enjoy ourselves at this higher level, the more fulfilled and whole (‘holy’) we are.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph