Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Your money is your energy converted into dollars. When we realize this we may want to spend it more wisely. For example:

Say you earn $20 an hour (after taxes) and take a week’s vacation costing $1600. The actual cost is 80 hours of your energy output at work ($1600 divided by $20 = 80 hours). This means you’re exchanging two weeks of your energy output at work for a one-week vacation. And if you pay for this vacation on credit with a hefty interest rate, it may cost you three or more weeks of your life’s energy over time. Then you pay even more for something long gone and have less money for current living.

When you buy something, keep this in mind -- you may be using dollars or credit, but you’re actually paying with your life’s energy. Just as important, don’t consider only the purchase price when spending money. Consider the true value and hidden costs of what you’re buying.

For example, a loaf of whole grain bread bought at $3.50 may actually cost you less than a loaf of white refined bread bought at $2.50. Why? Because the whole grain provides more nourishment (true value). You’d have to buy and eat more white bread or take supplements or eat other food to get the same nourishment, costing you more. Plus, refined bread may have other hidden costs, causing unhealthy conditions such as constipation or weight gain, which you may then need to address.

When making a purchase, always consider true value and hidden costs. Then you can really get the most for yourself. You have limited energy and money to spend, so the more true value you get and hidden costs you avoid, the easier and better your life can become.

Expand financial awareness in these two ways and take another big step toward life mastery.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Recent brain scan studies seem to prove that free will is an illusion. They show that our thoughts, desires, wants and impulses to act appear to be formed in our brain before we’re consciously aware of having them.  (See You Tube video NEUROSCIENCE AND FREE WILL.)

However, this doesn’t mean that we have no will or responsibility. If anything, it means that we need to take greater responsibility for objectively examining our thoughts, feelings and actions, and exercising our will to guide them. Free will may be an illusion, but will is not. And to the extent that we have it, we’ll do well to use it to improve brain functioning and act more wisely.
Psychologists and neuroscientists are ever busy at developing new techniques for helping us with this. Some of these techniques have been offered in my writings and at my weekly Life Mastery Training.

Neuro-technologies are also being developed to improve brain functioning. Military researchers are in the process of developing a ‘thinking cap’ which has already shown an ability to more than double one’s ability to learn a wide range of tasks, such as object recognition, math skills and marksmanship.  It also has been found to help produce a confident, calm, quiet inner state of mind, similar to that gained by meditation. Other neuroscientists are said to have developed skull caps that may promote even more extraordinary experiences, such as telepathy, distant seeing, out of body experiences and sensing God’s presence. 

Scientifically speaking, we may not have free will. But if we find ourselves utilizing technologies that enhance brain functioning and evolve consciousness, I think  we’ll become more able to create the future we want. 
Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


We all know that money has power, but we may not always appreciate that its power comes from the energy of our work. Money is human energy converted into coins, bills and credits; when we spend money we’re actually exchanging the energy of our work for what we buy.

When we realize this, we may choose to spend money more carefully ... and to save more of it. Before spending, we might ask ourselves, "How much of my energy is this worth? Would it be better to save the money I’m about to spend instead?"

When we save and accumulate money, we expand our power to create a better future. When we borrow and spend, we reduce this power. A person with no savings who lives paycheck to paycheck is vulnerable to unexpected expenses and debt. And debt (with its interest) further reduces our power, leaving us with less in our future. If we don’t save, struggle and debt will likely occur. And that’s a hard way to live.

Becoming financially well off is neither a sign of human superiority nor spiritual failing. Money is energy converted and only reflects the quality of the person in control of it. So as you save and grow richer, grow richer in spirit as well. Then as you move on, your money will get put to better and better use.

Remember: your money is your energy and your energy is your life. As we make more conscious use of our money, we take another step toward life mastery.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.


Friday, April 6, 2012


It’s easy to get lost in the day’s events and live on autopilot; no matter how good our intentions are and how many good techniques we learn, if we don’t remember to use them, they do us no good. So it often helps to employ a few REMEMBERING STRATEGIES.

Here are some you may want to use:

1. Place objects, signs and images in your environment

to remind you of consciousness practices you want to use.

2. Read books and other materials that help keep important

ideas foremost and keep them visible in your environment.

3. Begin a daily consciousness ritual such as meditation or

writing in a journal.

4. Carry or wear a special item such as a ring, wristband or

pin that symbolizes higher consciousness for you.

5. Bring uplifting music into your environment whenever

you can.

6. Have frequent contact with people who are also focused

on expanding consciousness.

You may already be using some of these remembering techniques and if you think about it, you’ll probably come up with other good ones to help you live more consciously. However you do it, the more you remember yourself and your higher conscious intentions, the more divine your behavior will tend to be and the better results you’ll tend to get.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.