Wednesday, April 11, 2012


We all know that money has power, but we may not always appreciate that its power comes from the energy of our work. Money is human energy converted into coins, bills and credits; when we spend money we’re actually exchanging the energy of our work for what we buy.

When we realize this, we may choose to spend money more carefully ... and to save more of it. Before spending, we might ask ourselves, "How much of my energy is this worth? Would it be better to save the money I’m about to spend instead?"

When we save and accumulate money, we expand our power to create a better future. When we borrow and spend, we reduce this power. A person with no savings who lives paycheck to paycheck is vulnerable to unexpected expenses and debt. And debt (with its interest) further reduces our power, leaving us with less in our future. If we don’t save, struggle and debt will likely occur. And that’s a hard way to live.

Becoming financially well off is neither a sign of human superiority nor spiritual failing. Money is energy converted and only reflects the quality of the person in control of it. So as you save and grow richer, grow richer in spirit as well. Then as you move on, your money will get put to better and better use.

Remember: your money is your energy and your energy is your life. As we make more conscious use of our money, we take another step toward life mastery.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.