Friday, October 18, 2013


Most people don’t know how to use their intuitive faculty deliberately.  They often confuse impulses driven by subconscious wishes or fears with authentic intuition.  Just as with logic and reasoning powers, if we don’t develop intuition and learn to use it effectively, we live at a great disadvantage.

Intuition does not replace logic and reasoning -- it complements them. Where logic and reasoning tend to narrow our field of focus, intuition expands it beyond our normal conscious mental operations. Intuition is the backbone of creativity, discovery and great life achievements.  Without its development -- no matter how intelligent or talented we may be -- we function only at a fraction of our potential; but how to develop it? 

Here’s a process that may help: First decide on what you’d like to intuitively reach for and know; then close your eyes, quiet your mind and sense a vast space within; next notice what significant seed word, phrase or image spontaneously arises; then focus further on this seed until a fully formed intuitive awareness comes. 

Accessing your intuition can take only a few seconds.  But if you lose focus or don’t focus deeply enough, you may need to keep trying and draw the process out.  However, if nothing comes in a few minutes, stop.  You need not work at it more than that.  Once the intention has been set, your mind will automatically keep working on it subconsciously.  Then later, when you least expect it, the knowledge you sought may suddenly appear. 

Keep using and developing your intuitive sense along with your logic and reasoning; together they allow you to be more consciously in control of creating your best life. 

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.