Friday, December 13, 2013


Can any good come from disaster?  I think so.

When disaster strikes we may at first see only the black empty hole of helplessness, hopelessness and despair.  We might even temporarily lose faith in God and government.  Yet in a calmer moment we may come to realize that disaster can have a spiritual purpose. It can cause an awakening and a huge change in hearts and minds. 

As dreadful and painful as a disaster is for those who undergo it, it may be the only way for many of us to awaken from petty self-indulgent ego-centered dreams.  Disaster may be, unfortunately, exactly what’s needed to awaken the soul and help us realize that at essence we’re all one ... that we share a common vulnerability -- that no matter how much we have, we can suddenly lose everything.  And there are many ways to lose everything!

Disaster can also spur us to create a better world by awakening in us the importance of becoming a more responsible citizen and neighbor, making sure we have government that works right and helping others every way we can. 

We must learn this lesson -- and never forget it -- that there, but for the grace of God, goes every one of us.

When we forget this and fail to act accordingly, we fall from grace. We lose vitality of soul.  But when we remember it, and give to others, we strengthen ourselves as a people and live a more meaningful life.

So if disaster helps us to appreciate our vulnerability and oneness with others and get our priorities straight, then it has served us well.  Otherwise, it’s just meaningless plight.  Give new significance to disaster; it’s a wake up call to begin a kinder and more loving life.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.