Saturday, January 25, 2014


As we become aware of our sub-wills, we may begin to see how they often keep us from accomplishing what we intend. 

We may intend to lose weight, but a Sensual sub-will can keep us eating more than we need. We may intend to have a successful career, but a Lazy Child sub-will will keep us from making the necessary effort. We may want to have close friends, but a Critic sub-will may cause us to say and do things that keep friendship from blossoming. And so on.

And what’s worse, if a sub-will with a strong biased belief is very dominant, it can consistently rule us and set our fate.

For example, if we have a dominant sub-will belief that it’s evil to be rich, it’ll continually lead us to keep ourselves financially wanting.  Or, a dominant sub-will belief that we’re not worthy of love will continually keep us from having true lasting love.  Or, a dominant sub-will belief that we can’t depend on others will continually keep us from seeking the help and support we need to realize our best successes.

So here’s the main point: to truly create the life we intend, we need to be aware of and oversee our sub-wills – we need to rule them instead of being ruled by them; then we’ll have a real chance of becoming master of our fate.

Make it a daily practice to recognize sub-will activity and choose not to be ruled by it. As you do this, you’ll become more in charge of the results and future you get.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.