Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Actualizing spirituality is something we can do many times a day, not only when meditating, praying, or attending religious services. We can do it anytime simply by expressing our higher nature. Each time we choose to be more accepting, compassionate, positive, patient, humble, reverent, giving, forgiving or loving, we actualize our higher spiritual nature.

To increasingly actualize your higher nature, practice REMEMBERING YOURSELF.

Each time you REMEMBER YOURSELF, you can better notice how you’re acting at the moment ... and then ask yourself, "What would my highest self be doing right now?" Then take that action.

By continually asking this question, we can increasingly actualize our spiritual nature; each time we remember ourselves we have an opportunity to deliberately express the highest within us.

In this way we become spiritually very focused and powerful.

Of course, it will help to first learn to recognize the true 'voice' of your higher self. And that's where meditation and other forms of consciousness-training may come in -- they can help us become more attuned to our spiritual dimension. And as we do, we better recognize and heed the true voice of our Higher Self.

Attaining this level of self-awareness and action leads to life mastery. As we do this, we increase positive experience and fulfill our life’s best possibilities.

So take up this practice. You’ll rejoice in the experience each time that you do.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.