Thursday, June 23, 2011


To have a good life we need to do more than feel good and think positively, we need to have good health, financial stability, loving relationships and meaningful purpose. The key tool for achieving all these goals is our mind. But like any other tool, if we don’t use it well, it can work against us.

Ordinarily, the mind automatically operates according to mental sets -- fixed biased beliefs and opinions we hold firmly, whether they be right or wrong. Thus, unless we can objectively monitor our thoughts and become free to change them, we become trapped in them, and better results aren’t likely.

So to improve life, the ability to change one’s mind is essential.

Right now you hold some very strong beliefs and opinions about yourself, others and the world. Many of these may be holding you back from achieving good health, financial stability, loving relationships and meaningful purpose. You may even have a sense of what some of these flawed opinions and beliefs are, and yet go on following them, letting them hold you back.

This is a very common problem we all face -- we become easily habituated and tend to follow the same paths of least resistance, no matter what. It takes special effort to observe our thoughts and challenge them. Yet this is the way to a better life. Anyone making a better life learns to do this.

So now consider a few thoughts or beliefs that you may need to change. If you change even one, it can make a big difference.

It’s a simple principle: to change your life, just change your mind.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.