Wednesday, August 31, 2011

on left for Sept. 25th Seminar info.

Life may sometimes seem pointless. We’re born. We go about our daily business of pursuing life goals. Then, in a blink of universal time, it’s over -- WE DIE!

This prospect might sometimes weigh heavily on us. However, it can also serve to spur us to get the most good out of life with whatever limited time we have. And if you are determined to do just that, then consider the following:

The level of good we can get out of life depends greatly on our ability to manifest it. And this depends on the power and quality of our energy; the greater and more positive our energy is, the more influential and constructive we can be. All existence consists of energy, and that includes you and me. So the power and quality of our energy is the key to manifesting what we want.

Also, consciousness is the primary energetic force behind all existence and happenings. All reality is a projection of consciousness, be it divine consciousness projecting universal reality or be it your [or my] consciousness projecting our own experience of life. So it’s the energy of consciousness that’s most creative.

So if we wish to manifest great goodness in our lives, it’s essential that we generate powerful positive consciousness states. It’s by generating and applying such consciousness states that we may make best use of our time on earth.

And love is the most powerful positive (and creative) consciousness state that we can generate and apply. So by deliberately generating a loving consciousness state, often, we manifest the most good in our lives.

(To learn more about LIVING AT HIGHER LEVELS OF MIND, read about my special Seminar by the same name on my blog site’s upper left corner.)

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