Wednesday, August 3, 2011


If you’ve tried Positive Thinking and it hasn’t always brought the good results you want, here’s why this may be so.

The creative power of Positive Thinking depends on how persistently and sharply we focus our positive thoughts, how congruent they are with our subconscious beliefs, and on how energized and free we are to act.

If we subconsciously harbor beliefs that are contrary to our conscious thoughts, they’ll have little power to manifest what we wish, no matter how positive they are. For example, if we subconsciously believe that we don’t deserve love, money or happiness, no amount of positive thinking will bring any of these about. Our subconscious beliefs will always overrule our conscious thoughts. That is, until we become aware of them, and change them. Thus, the process of examining consciousness and weeding out undermining subconscious beliefs is essential for the power of positive thinking to work.

Also, to successfully assert positive thought requires great energy and true willpower -- the ability to deliberately, persistently and sharply focus one’s creative intentions and overcome all obstacles to their fulfillment. So the power of positive thought also depends on the ability to take action. And any inability to do so equally undermines the creative power of positive thought.

Thus, to fully utilize the Power of Positive Thinking, we may first need to do some preliminary work -- ferreting out contrary unconscious beliefs and changing them, increasing our positive energy capacity, and unblocking the ability to act in concert with our positive thoughts. All are part of a system of Higher Consciousness or Life Mastery training.

With these developments we enable the creative power of positive thinking to fully work for us and increase our power to manifest all the good that we want.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.