Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Your higher mind is your best resource for confronting life’s difficulties. Yet, unless you come to know it, you live without its great benefits.

Those who recognize their higher mind and live by it meet life’s challenges better; they can assert their creative will, exercise their intuitive higher intelligence, and enjoy better results in all aspects of living. So instead of life being a constant struggle or an unsettling melodrama, it becomes a constantly fulfilling creative process ... a higher quality life is produced.

Yet, until we make this great self-discovery, it’s just idle talk. The truth and significance of our higher possibilities can’t be validated by hearsay; we need to personally make the discovery. And before being willing to extend ourselves in this direction, we may need to have some sense of its presence.

For this you may consider some of your best moments: when you felt a secure confidence and were in full command; had an authentic intuitive insight or creative inspiration; felt deeply moved by great art or beauty; had a moment of great courage; or were exhilarated by the simple fact of being vitally alive. Whenever you had such moments, you felt a greatness of spirit unlike your usual self. Now just imagine who you would be if you constantly experienced yourself in these exceptional ways.

If you can relate to this, then you have some sense of your higher mind and what is possible. And there’s also a good chance that you already are, or will be, seeking a path to fully realizing this greater Self.

The path of life mastery leads to the greater life your spirit seeks. So don’t hold yourself back. Move along this path and discover a greater life and Self ... and fulfill your true spiritual needs.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.