Wednesday, November 16, 2011

THOUGHTS TO LIVE BY -- A Guide to Life Mastery


We rely on verbal thinking to understand our world, but we should recognize its limitations -- it can equally and convincingly shape false ideas and beliefs as well as truthful ones. This is one of the causes of so much ignorance and misdoing in the world (just consider propaganda, advertising, prejudice and bias).

And even when we attempt to use language to convey a concrete existence, such as a particular person, place or thing, at best it can only convey a general impression.  To know any object as it actually exists, we may need to carefully and directly examine/experience it, noting all of its specific characteristics and qualities.

Verbal communication can be even more difficult when we try to convey a new reality.  Consider how difficult it is to understand the writings of great thinkers who present new ideas about the nature of reality. Despite all their skill and best efforts, we may easily misinterpret their meaning. (This is one reason why the world often takes a long time to appreciate true genius.)

Verbal thinking can only provide a skeletal understanding of what exists and, at its best, only points us in the right direction. But for greater knowing we must go beyond the use of language. So while a picture may be said to be worth a thousand words and direct experience a thousand pictures, by experiencing intuitively and empathetically, our knowing can go still further. It’s from these deeper levels of knowing that genius derives its true knowing.

So, don’t merely rely on verbal thinking and sensory experience; seek a deeper and fuller knowing, and live more successfully.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.