Wednesday, February 15, 2012


It’s a common experience that, in spite of all the knowledge, skill and effort we may bring to bear, things often don’t turn out well. Does this mean we need to hope for good luck to get great results? I think not. I think there’s something else that serves us better than that.

Over the years I’ve became aware of a ‘special something’ that makes an incredible difference. Actually, when I operate in terms of this special something, I usually get even better results than I’d hoped for. So, what’s this special something? Essentially, it’s an energy shift ... to a higher level of being oneself.

At this level our spiritual energy ‘lights us up,’ ‘tunes us in’ and leads the way. We’re in a state of grace ... a creative bliss where joyful inspirations and insights flow almost continually. When I’m in this higher creative state I feel more fully and deeply alive ... and I feel blessed, for it’s here that I get my most soul-fulfilling results. That’s why I call this level ‘Being At Soul’ or ‘Living In Our Divine Zone.’

Some people may think that this level of experience is only for a lucky few. I believe we all have this capacity and that it’s mainly a matter of learning. Just as we learned to read books and follow their guidance, we can learn to listen to a higher voice within and follow its guidance. Then all of our knowledge, skill and effort get utilized optimally ... producing Divine Results.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.