Thursday, February 23, 2012


When self-centered, we focus primarily on suiting ourselves. We selectively steer toward what we're sure we'll like and away from other things. This has obvious benefits, but it can also reduce our creative possibilities. For it means we tend to run a narrow course ruled by preset inclinations and habits and miss many opportunities and possibilities that could greatly benefit us.

When we avoid new experiences because we might not like them, when we shut out certain people, sights and information because we don't see an immediate benefit, when we try changing things just because they challenge what we're used to, we may be keeping ourselves from the very things needed to improve life and expand creativity.

The main nemesis is making instant negative judgments. By quickly sizing-up people, situations and things and deciding to reject them, we close doors. But when we're more open, curious and genuinely interested, we get beyond initial surface impressions and make life-enhancing discoveries.

To help myself not reject too quickly, I often remind myself not to judge. I find this not only helps me take in better and make discoveries, it also helps me stay centered and find my way to better outcomes.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.