Wednesday, March 7, 2012


As children playing, most of us have had some great moments. However, somewhere in the process of growing up we seem to lose our capacity to encounter life in such a creative, wholehearted and spontaneous way as we once did.

A major reason for this is that as adults we tend to become 'success' bound; more and more we aim for success in terms of social approval and financial gain -- we become willing prisoners of the fame/wealth/success syndrome. We 'learn' to devalue and ignore our authentic spontaneous creative impulses and focus on producing only what we think others want to hear and see.

And, if we get it right, we do achieve some measure of worldly success, necessary for our well being and survival. But if we get too engrossed in striving for approval and financial reward, we can lose touch with our creative soul and our capacity to authentically feel and focus our creative power can be stifled. Without the ease of innocent playfulness and unselfconscious spontaneity, our vital creative capacities become blocked or falsified -- the creative self is undone.

To be more creatively alive, give yourself permission to be more playful and spontaneous -- give voice to your creative child.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.