Wednesday, March 28, 2012


The following story offers an important life lesson.

Through a forest, two men, both equally late for dinner, separately set out for home. The first broods over how his friend kept him late and how angry his wife is going to be, and so he becomes completely engrossed in fashioning a 'good' excuse to bring home. The second man, in a similar situation, resists such thoughts. Instead, he focuses on the forest's sights and sounds -- the sunset peeking through trees ... the feel of soft earth beneath his feet ... the glowing eyes of a family of deer hidden in shadows. And as the dark comes and stars begin to appear through the surrounding trees, a sense of wonder overtakes him. The first man, completely absorbed in blaming, worrying and scheming, missteps and hurts himself. And now, to his great dismay, hobbles home ever more slowly and upset with each painful step. Meanwhile the other man strides home getting ever more invigorated, enchanted and eager to share his experiences with his wife. When each arrives home, one is aching, irritable and spoiling for a fight, and of course has an awful time with his wife. The other arrives uplifted, with a handful of wild flowers and fabulous experiences to share, and has a lovely evening with his wife.

These are two similar situations, each with a very different outcome -- and here lies an important life lesson -- we can either get lost in our imaginings and schemes (often to our own travail), or take advantage of life’s gifts.

THE PRESENT IS A DIVINE PRESENT, always presenting opportunities to seize and pitfalls to avoid. So we may do well to keep this in mind: The present is a great gift in which many opportunities lie. And what we get often depends upon how we use our mind.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.