Wednesday, May 23, 2012


How is a master’s mind different from an ordinary one?

Each human mind is normally biased, no matter how intelligent or educated a person may be. And this bias causes errors of judgment and action, producing needless conflict, suffering and difficulty; this is the normal human condition and the reason why human life is often problematic.

To get beyond this, the mind needs to become free of biases. This is an important difference between an ordinary mind and a master mind -- an ordinary mind is controlled by biases and a master’s isn’t. Further, a master’s mind is alertly aware of the distorting power of biases and constantly seeks to reign them in. Thus, a master sees more clearly, fully and truthfully. This is the greater position of a master mind state.

Such awareness is of tremendous advantage -- it allows one to understand the true nature of what exists and better assess its desirable and undesirable potentials. And, with this greater understanding and awareness, to interact more wisely and successfully.

Another difference is that a master’s mind can focus intuitively. Because it can put aside intrusive mind-chatter, it can focus more receptively to sense and feel things, as well as call up subconscious information that an ordinary mind state can’t. And because a master’s mind is more aware of its own biased reactions, it can tell the difference between authentic intuition and wishful thinking.

To help yourself move to a master mind state, postpone judgments and preferences ... and begin seeing with a more open and generous mind and heart.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.