Wednesday, May 30, 2012


How do you define success?

Success is defined by our culture and sold to us in a constant bombardment of media imagery; this prevailing definition of success usually focuses us on getting some combination of wealth, power, fame or professional or social status and ruling over others -- all external measures of success.

This concept of success actually causes many of us to do much that doesn’t bring fulfillment or happiness; nor does it usually help us to feel successful or good for more than brief moments when we do achieve it.

In many cases, not only is there too much focus on external achievement and ‘winning’ by prevailing over others, there’s also a do-it-by-hook-or-by-crook mentality that goes along with it; the social pressures to ‘succeed’ are often so strong that many feel a need to cheat to get ahead, starting early during school years. Such a narrow concept of success leads to inner disorder and an inability to feel at ease and deeply fulfilled.

That concept of success doesn’t take into account the higher spiritual energy and consciousness state necessary for achieving TRUE LIFE SUCCESS. For it’s only in raising these inner measures that we may consistently produce the harmony, happiness, fulfillment, vitality, wise judgment and inner peace needed for experiencing TOTAL WELL-BEING and having a truly successful life.

True success can’t come if we only seek external gains. It requires seeking and achieving the internal gains that actually provide it; there can be no true success without gaining an understanding of who we really are.

So for true life success, make seeking within and raising spiritual energy and consciousness levels your primary goals; these provide the basis for true life success.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.