Thursday, June 28, 2012


When we know how things work we can take the actions necessary to get the results we want. So if we’re not getting the results we want, it may mean that we have too limited an understanding of how things work.

This principle is demonstrated many times daily when you do the things that you’ve already mastered: driving, making a perfect cup of coffee, performing basic tasks at home or at work, etc. In such cases, you understand how things work sufficiently to get the results you want. However, there are areas where this may not be so, including one area in particular that’s key to them all, and that’s your own mind.

Here the stakes are highest. When we don’t know the secrets of how our mind really works, we’re subject to failure in many ways. This is because our mind is our mechanism for making decisions and directing behavior. And under the guise of true knowing, it can often lead us astray -- unconsciously or consciously -- and then place blame on others, external events or bad luck.

Thus, we may never suspect that the workings of our own mind may be the culprit. But once we learn the truth about how capriciously our mind works and how to develop a more mindful and stable center of Self, we can begin to live more successfully.

Those who can see this begin to take a new approach to their mind’s workings. Instead of following its automatic moment-to-moment responses, they become keenly watchful of what their mind produces and selectively choose which thoughts and feelings to express and implement.

With this departure from an automatic self to a more aware and deliberately acting self, wiser courses of action can be taken -- we may begin to achieve life mastery and our greatest life. (Those of you know what I mean are by now probably slyly smiling to yourself.)



Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.