Wednesday, July 18, 2012


What we truly believe and value, at our core subconscious level, sets the matrix for manifesting our lives. This is the primary creative force behind shaping human destiny; and it often carries with it unexpected consequences.

So if, at our deepest and most subconscious level, we believe in and value power and wealth most, then we could surely manifest them. But with them we might also manifest loveless relationships, ill health, and a life of constant worry, struggle and conflict. Thus, sages warn: "Beware of what you wish for".

Perhaps it would be wiser to aspire to total well-being. For as we set this as our subconscious matrix, it can propel us to truly manifest a bountiful life for ourselves and others.

With this inner setting we’re most likely to develop greater consciousness and self-control, for these are part of, and vital to, gaining total well-being -- i.e., a healthy body and mind, healthy relationships, a healthy environment and healthy social systems; all these depend on our caliber of consciousness and our power to take conscious command.

Until we make total well-being our core inner setting, we can only manifest what the imbalances and biases of our present inner setting demands, with all the many unintended negative consequences it spurs, despite good intentions.

Thus, I see no evil people, only differences in subconscious settings manifesting their effects in the world; what we truly believe and value are what we manifest!

When a sufficient number of people are aware of how their consciousness works and then make efforts to better reset it to produce total well-being, then, and only then, can a great new age begin where we may all thrive.

To learn how a perfect life is possible, see:

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.