Saturday, June 22, 2013


Three common ways to lose conscious control are through lapses of attention, automatic emotional reactions and subconscious life directives.  

Lapses of attention are common.  We might not notice a car coming as we cross the street or hear an important announcement or parts of a conversation.  At such times we may miss important information and not be able to make our best response. To avoid such lapses, it helps to practice mindfulness -- the discipline of staying absolutely focused on what’s happening HERE AND NOW.

Automatic emotional reacting is also a common way to lose conscious control.  When blinded by anger, shut down by sadness or carried away by joyful enthusiasm, we may easily narrow our awareness and lose conscious control. To avoid this kind of control loss, it helps to become grounded in a higher aspect of self.  Practicing meditation and other consciousness- developing techniques help accomplish this.

Subconscious life directives are another common way to lose conscious control; usually formed early in life, life directives establish themselves as unconscious ruling principles (sub-wills) that automatically control us.  Some such life directives are: don’t take chances; don’t expect too much from life; avoid big commitments or big responsibilities.

Sub-will life-directives usually work subconsciously, so spotting and remedying them can be difficult. But by practicing self-observation and introspection, we can learn to spot them and loosen their grip on us.

By increasing conscious control in these three ways, we increase our ability to live more successfully.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.