Friday, June 14, 2013


Quality of consciousness is a key factor in determining the kind of life we can have.  As we develop it, we better appreciate the creative power of our thoughts, think more positively and constructively, and act more conscientiously, compassionately and lovingly … and get the good results we seek.  The less we develop it, the more likely we are not to think correctly ahead or to respond harshly or shoddily and produce negative results. 

The old adage: “What you don’t know won’t hurt you,” isn’t true. What you don’t know can hurt you! Ignorance is a lack of consciousness development and in it we live at greater risk.

If you don't know that a bad habit is making you ill, you may go merrily along until it’s too late. If you don’t know how your mate truly feels, you may think the relationship is good until a breakup comes suddenly. If you don’t know you’re in a bad investment, you may think you’re doing fine until your money is suddenly gone (consider any Madoff investor).

Any lack in the caliber of one’s consciousness produces a lack in the quality of life; good intentions are not enough -- an improvement in consciousness is what’s needed.

This being so, we might think that consciousness development would be a major goal of society and every person in it.  Not so.  Usually, little or no focus is placed on it.  The reason is simply that most people don’t yet understand the power and role of consciousness and thought in shaping their lives.  Until they do, it’s not going to be an important concern for many. And humanity will continue seeking the causes of its ills in the wrong places -- blaming each other, government and bad luck for their problems, when in fact the cause often lies in lack of consciousness development.

To improve our lives and the world, Ghandi wisely advised, “Be the change you wish to see in the world”. Thus, we don’t have to wait or live at great risk, needlessly – just work daily at improving our own state of consciousness.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.