Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Many of us know that having a positive attitude works better for us than having a negative one -- it helps us to have a happier, healthier and more successful life. Yet, when things happen that we don’t like (or if we just expect them to happen), we may not be able to muster the positive energy and better state of mind needed to act most effectively and constructively. Instead, we may just react negatively and ineffectively, and not get our best results.

And here lies the crux of much of human failure -- the inability to generate the high positive energy and state of mind needed to shape our best results.

If we observe ourselves carefully, we may find that we’re often reacting negatively and inappropriately many times a day. Whether these reactions appear justifiable or not, they taint our experiences and keep us from getting our best results. So justifying them is not helpful. What is, is eliminating them, and raising our positive energy and state of mind. Then we’ll more reliably act in ways that can get us our best results.

Unless we do this, creating the good life we want will be extremely difficult, if not impossible, no matter how sincere and well-intentioned we are. The ability to generate high positive energy and a better state of mind is essential. Any inability to do this will keep us from achieving the good life that we want.

Higher consciousness training and psychotherapy seek to remedy such inability, each in its own way. Psychotherapy uncovers and reduces maladaptive mindsets that cause negative and inappropriate behavior. Higher consciousness training increases positive energy and brings one’s mind to higher levels of functioning. Each improve our ability to respond better and get better results.

These are two powerful systems for improving life. By improving our mind’s functioning they help us to more surely create our best life.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.