Wednesday, July 27, 2011


If you don't think you're creative you probably got that message early in life ... and bought into it. To better understand your own creativity, don't think of it as a special ability some people have, but as a universal human capacity.

During the normal process of living we’re all continually creating outcomes of various kinds; every action we take causes something to happen. And underlying this process lies thought.

Thought is the creative engine of human life; what we think is what we get.

This may be understood in three ways. First, right or wrong, every thought we believe shapes our experience of reality; we tend to see things not as they really are, but rather, as we think them to be. Second, our thoughts shape actions that tend to bring what we expect; i.e., Self-fulfilling Prophecy. For example, if we think someone doesn’t like us, we may act negatively toward them and cause them to not like us.

Our thoughts have great reality-creating power, so we’re wise to examine our thoughts and carefully select which thoughts we choose to believe.

Third, we can focus attention at higher, self-transcendent levels of mind and access new insightful and inspiring thoughts. And as we do, our positive energy increases and our actions become more remarkably creative, shaping astonishing new innovative realities that may delight, and serve others.

So don’t doubt your creative power. Instead, recognize it. And take more conscious responsibility for it by being more aware of and careful to choose what you think and believe. And learn to focus your attention at higher levels of mind.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.