Thursday, August 23, 2012


Which of the following qualities describe YOU ... most of the time?

High or low energy; positive or negative outlook; focused or unfocused; confident or not confident; purposeful or aimless; open or closed; adaptable or rigid; friendly or distant; caring or indifferent.

With one set of qualities, we live more successfully. With the other, we don’t. (I think you know which is which.)

So if you want to live more successfully and are honest with yourself, you know which qualities you need to develop. Yet you may find it difficult to do so on your own.

If this is you, don’t feel bad. Most of us are in the same boat; we don’t have the expert knowledge and objectivity to reshape ourselves for success. But there are professionals that do. And there’s a growing technology being developed specifically for increasing the capacity to live more successfully.

Once we realize this, we have three choices: we can accept our limitations and take whatever level of success comes; or, we can learn and practice techniques that increase success capacity; and/or, we can enlist the help of an experienced professional to speed our way.

An experienced and skilled professional trainer is a great advantage to have at our side, because we all tend to have some resistance to change and trying new things -- even when it’s to our great benefit.

Success in life shouldn’t be left to random chance. And this is just what often happens. There’s a growing body of psychological and spiritual science to draw upon. And those who utilize it have a great advantage.

To learn about 5 key techniques I use and teach in my classes, check this link:

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.