Wednesday, September 12, 2012


The key to living your best life lies in remembering that there’s a Highest Self dimension that you can access to guide you. If we don’t realize or remember that we have this possibility, then we automatically live according to our sub-wills. (Sub-wills are the strong beliefs, biases, habits, addictions, attachments and tendencies which usually subconsciously run us.)

And as long as our sub-wills rule, we’re not free to create the better life we want; they’ll often undermine our best intentions. Thus, living in this normal mode, life is often a dissatisfying and disappointing experience.

To do better, we need to learn to live in a higher consciousness mode. And for this to happen, we need to learn to quiet our mind and listen to the guiding ‘voice’ of our HIGHEST SELF. This voice will always reveal our best options and lead us to our best outcomes. Then life can be grand!

As simple as this may sound, it’s also tricky. We can easily be fooled by the ‘voice’ of a pseudo Higher Self, masquerading as our true highest self. So we need not only remember to listen to our Highest Self, we need to be very attentive and learn to tell the difference between these two voices.

Our pseudo Higher Self is egocentric and self-serving. Usually it’ll produce a feeling of grandeur and/or superiority. On the other hand, our authentic Highest Self is universe-serving and is accompanied by feelings of humility, reverence, compassion, caring and love. It prompts us to simply do our best to serve the flowering of all life, including our own, so we may be fulfilled.

So REMEMBER YOUR HIGHEST SELF -- often! Then QUIET YOUR MIND and LISTEN FOR ITS GUIDANCE. Let your Highest Self lead you forward.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.