Saturday, September 29, 2012


If you’re wondering what you can do to be more successful -- at anything -- you may want to consider these five key attitudinal factors: Belief, Patience, Sincerity, Humility and Determination.

First, we need to have belief in ourselves and in the value of our task. After all, there’s not much point trying to utilize our creative power if we believe that we don’t have any or that the task is not worth doing. Next, we need patience to properly prepare and give the task all the time and attention needed.

Three other factors -- sincerity, humility and determination -- are essential too. Without sincerity, there can be no meaningful attempt made. Without humility, we may arrogantly resist considering anything contrary to what we already know. And without determination, we can’t generate the energy and sustain the effort we need to see our way through.

So, successful action greatly depends on our mental approach. If we believe in our creative power, have adequate patience, and bring sincerity, humility and determination to it, we’re more likely to succeed -- regardless of the methods we use.

These are five keys to success -- qualities of character and mind that serve us best. So to have more success, in every area of life, simply improve these qualities in yourself.

One further point: developing a ‘winning personality’ may not come automatically or easily -- many of the most successful people achieve it with the benefit of special training and help. (Always a great advantage if you can arrange to get it.)

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.