Friday, September 21, 2012

With the discovery of the Higgs boson (the ‘God particle’), we now have scientific evidence that space is not empty; it, and all things are permeated by a field of mysterious activity causing all existence to take place.

Is this a field of divine consciousness? Might science be on the verge of discovering God?
If so, we soon have a scientific basis for knowing God. And then we’ll know God not as a mythical super human being that lives in an imaginary heavenly realm, but as an actual source-field of unlimited creative potentials: a ‘God-field’ resource existing here and now and eternally.

With this understanding of God, atheists and believers of every stripe may one day become united in a pure, scientific-based spirituality -- free of the religious differences and myths that now separate us and often pit us against one another instead of bringing us together to manifest our greatest possibilities.

We may then be spiritually enlightened, energized and unified by science. As we come to know God as a source-field of creative possibilities permeating and supporting all existence (and most significantly our own), we may find that, as we access this field within ourselves, we experience a more meaningful and creative spirituality.

Creative inspirations, wisdom, and loving impulses are the God source-field bubbling up inside us. If we deny or suppress these inner stirrings or fail to wholeheartedly attend them, we live estranged from our divine creative spirit and greatest possibilities. But if we fully attend to and express them, we come to fulfill ourselves spiritually and know God most intimately -- as a thrilling creative energy illuminating and flowing though us.

As science discovers God and we explore the God-field within, a great new creative and spiritual age shall begin.

To revitalize your life, see:

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.