Friday, January 25, 2013


Just as we awaken to consciousness each morning, we can awaken still further to a higher state of consciousness that’s more sharply focused, aware, and wisely in charge.  I call this our Master Mind state.

In our usual awakened state, our awareness, will and self-control are at low ebb; we’re easily distracted, lost in meandering thought and barely aware of ourselves – not our best state for successful living. In our more fully awakened Master Mind state, the opposite is true; our success-enabling abilities are heightened – we’re more at ease, calm, confident, caring, energetic, creative, flexible, intuitive, alert and objectively aware.  Thus, in this heightened state we can function and live more successfully!

Three ways to help ourselves live more in our higher awakened state involve practicing MINDFULNESS.

Here are three ways you can do this:

ACTION MINDFULNESS: be mindful of your bodily actions -- how you’re sitting, standing, walking, gesturing, etc.; as you do this you may feel more present and physically in control. SENSORY MINDFULNESS: be mindful of all your sensory sensations -- sounds, smells, touch, temperature, and tastes, etc.; as you do this you may feel more vividly alive. SPEECH MINDFULNESS: be mindful of how you speak -- tone of voice, facial expression, tempo, words you choose, etc.; as you do this you may find yourself communicating more successfully. 

All mindfulness practices help us to be more effectively and consciously alive.

Practice these techniques and see how much they help you get more of what you want out of life. The key is to keep them constantly in mind and use them often each day.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.