Saturday, February 2, 2013


If you think that becoming a Life Master is out of reach, you’re selling yourself short -- most people have the ability to do it if they make it their priority.

This doesn’t require giving up all the good things of life, only our attachment to what limits and controls us. Then we become free to live a fuller and more balanced and wondrous life, a life we can be deeply satisfied with.

Remember that at your depths, you’re already a master. This higher Master Self is already hidden inside you. All you need do is remember this and focus inwardly to contact it. This is a key reason for practicing meditation; we learn to quiet the surface mind and ‘hear’ the subtle voice of our Master mind and its wise guidance.

This is actually simple to do, but at first it may be difficult because usually the voices of personality (our sub-wills) are bubbling up from within us, so we may need to learn to detach from this inner stream and just observe it for what it is – a stream of automatic reactions that drown out the subtle voice of a deeper and greater self.

As we learn to still the voices of personality, we become free to act from a deeper and wiser level of self and thus move toward life mastery.

So don’t sell yourself short. Quiet your mind -- be more meditative -- and make life mastery your main goal. For as you do this you move toward achieving all that your soul truly longs for.                         

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.