Saturday, April 27, 2013


I was skeptical about God.  I couldn’t understand how, if an all-powerful all-loving God did exist, he could create such a mess.  I concluded that if I were God, I would’ve done a better job.  Some ego, huh?   Actually, it was more than ego; it was a total misunderstanding of God.  But once I developed a new view of God, everything made perfect sense.  Here’s my present view.

God is the primary force underlying the existence of all things and expresses higher creative possibilities through us as our consciousness increases. To state it poetically -- God sleeps in earth and rocks ... dreams in plants and trees ... stirs in insects and animals ... and awakens in primitive man and humans.  And to the extent that we raise consciousness and become one with God, creates divine experiences through us; thus we all have an opportunity to experience life at its highest level -- as often as we wish.

This is our greatest possibility -- if we choose it. God doesn’t force it upon us. God gives us the potential of free choice and if we don’t actualize it doesn’t judge, condemn or punish us; we’re free to live and act just as we do.

Yet life is a special opportunity to realize our divine nature and immense creative power.  This is the great secret of life. So when not liking the life you’re having or results you’re getting, consider what you’ve been choosing. 

When I understand God, life, and myself in this way, it then seems that God has created a ‘perfect’ world.  Instead of a mess, God created an optimal condition of freedom and boundless opportunity for us to awaken to, and manifest our highest possibilities; what we choose -- or fail to choose -- determines the life we get. What could be fairer and more wonderful then that?

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.