Friday, April 5, 2013


It may seem that we can’t know God directly, that God is too grand and mysterious. But if God is the supreme creative force behind all things, then God is plainly and constantly before us. And we could begin to sense God in all things -- in a flower’s bud gently opening or a jet scraping the sky.

What may actually keep us from experiencing God everywhere are our anthropomorphic projections and religious myths about God. Entangled in these egocentric projections, we may not perceive the obvious divine nature of reality ... just as it is. By believing such projections and myths, we lose sight of God’s many forms ... right there before us.

So, while God is always plainly visible and present, we may not be able to truly know it until we reform our mind and free our perception. Then we could see all things better and behold the wonder of God everywhere, even in ourselves.

God lives in all things and is closer than we may think ... not only everywhere  surrounding us ... but in every fiber of our being -- to be felt as a pure, loving and creative spirit to be released through our actions. And as we awaken to this higher spirit within, we can directly know God. Then we may be one with God and act as God ... producing all the good we need and seek.

I believe that to awaken to a new level of consciousness so we may often behold God and be one with God is God’s plan for us. And what could be more wonderful than this?

Goodness and joy to all,  Joseph.