Saturday, February 23, 2013


I know that I’ve said this many times but I feel I can’t emphasize it enough -- IMPROVING CONSCIOUSNESS IS THE KEY TO A GOOD LIFE!

Why?  Because as we improve consciousness we increase our effectiveness and the quality of our experience ... we live with more ease and often do much better than we expect.

However, valuable as all this might be, within us lies a great stumbling block -- our own ego. Ego is usually not interested in consciousness expansion. It’s much more interested in defending and bolstering our present positions and maintaining the status quo.  It leads us away from consciousness expansion. 

Normally, ego will not lead us to think, “I don’t know,” or, “I should listen more closely to others and see what I can learn.” Instead, it usually leads us to conclude that we know well enough and much better than most others; it makes us overly critical and often feel either unrealistically superior or inferior to others – producing a gulf between us and others … even those we choose to love.

Here are two techniques to help avoid and escape ego traps: observe when your thoughts are becoming ego-driven and back away from them. And, recognize that all people are fundamentally the same -- we all strive to survive, seek pleasure, eliminate pain and do our best to achieve a better life; the main difference is only the level of consciousness at which we operate.

By resisting the temptation of being automatically controlled by ego we raise our consciousness level – and here lies the key to having a much better life.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.


Friday, February 15, 2013


By raising consciousness we can create a divine life and future. How? Consciousness-raising leads to higher quality actions, just what’s needed to get better results and a better life; our state of consciousness determines how we think and feel, and what we decide and do; these determine the kind of results we get and quality life we have. So the higher our consciousness state, the higher quality of life we can have ... and eventually it can become divine.

Raising consciousness is the key to creating a divine life and future. So any practice that raises consciousness is a step in this direction.

One way to raise consciousness is by being detached while giving full loving attention (the essence of being at a Master Mind level).

This practice may seem contradictory: “How can I be detached and give loving attention at the same time?” one might ask. The point here is to be detached from ego and personality so one can actually give loving attention ... to whomever we’re with or whatever we’re doing. Normally, ego and personality undermine this ability. Ego wants to get loving attention, not give it. And personality all too often produces negative reactions; both often undermine our ability to have positive experience and get good results.

When we’re detached from ego and give loving attention, a divine door opens ... and we readily receive inspiration, intuition and higher spiritual guidance ... just what’s needed for creating great results and a divine future.

So practice being lovingly detached. It raises consciousness and the ability to create the divine future for which your soul longs.

Goodness and joy to all,  Joseph.




Sunday, February 10, 2013


Consciousness is the very means by which we know and interact with reality; it determines our experiences, thoughts, actions, and the kind of life we can have. So by learning to live more consciously, we can dramatically improve our lives.

You may already know this and may have begun practicing meditation and/or some other consciousness-raising technique. In my weekly Life Mastery Training workshop, I emphasize various MINDFULNESS practices.

MINDFULNESS practices increase self-awareness and help us to live more consciously throughout each day.

One such technique is HANDS-ON REMEMBERING.

This technique simply requires us to remember and observe ourselves each time we’re aware of our hands. Our hands are often active and in view, and each time we notice them, they can be just the self-awakening tool we need to keep us living at a higher level of awareness. It’s that simple!

This can give new meaning to HANDS-ON CONSCIOUSNESS-RAISING WORK.

See how hands-on you can become using this new tool. 

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.


Saturday, February 2, 2013


If you think that becoming a Life Master is out of reach, you’re selling yourself short -- most people have the ability to do it if they make it their priority.

This doesn’t require giving up all the good things of life, only our attachment to what limits and controls us. Then we become free to live a fuller and more balanced and wondrous life, a life we can be deeply satisfied with.

Remember that at your depths, you’re already a master. This higher Master Self is already hidden inside you. All you need do is remember this and focus inwardly to contact it. This is a key reason for practicing meditation; we learn to quiet the surface mind and ‘hear’ the subtle voice of our Master mind and its wise guidance.

This is actually simple to do, but at first it may be difficult because usually the voices of personality (our sub-wills) are bubbling up from within us, so we may need to learn to detach from this inner stream and just observe it for what it is – a stream of automatic reactions that drown out the subtle voice of a deeper and greater self.

As we learn to still the voices of personality, we become free to act from a deeper and wiser level of self and thus move toward life mastery.

So don’t sell yourself short. Quiet your mind -- be more meditative -- and make life mastery your main goal. For as you do this you move toward achieving all that your soul truly longs for.                         

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.