Friday, February 15, 2013


By raising consciousness we can create a divine life and future. How? Consciousness-raising leads to higher quality actions, just what’s needed to get better results and a better life; our state of consciousness determines how we think and feel, and what we decide and do; these determine the kind of results we get and quality life we have. So the higher our consciousness state, the higher quality of life we can have ... and eventually it can become divine.

Raising consciousness is the key to creating a divine life and future. So any practice that raises consciousness is a step in this direction.

One way to raise consciousness is by being detached while giving full loving attention (the essence of being at a Master Mind level).

This practice may seem contradictory: “How can I be detached and give loving attention at the same time?” one might ask. The point here is to be detached from ego and personality so one can actually give loving attention ... to whomever we’re with or whatever we’re doing. Normally, ego and personality undermine this ability. Ego wants to get loving attention, not give it. And personality all too often produces negative reactions; both often undermine our ability to have positive experience and get good results.

When we’re detached from ego and give loving attention, a divine door opens ... and we readily receive inspiration, intuition and higher spiritual guidance ... just what’s needed for creating great results and a divine future.

So practice being lovingly detached. It raises consciousness and the ability to create the divine future for which your soul longs.

Goodness and joy to all,  Joseph.