Saturday, February 23, 2013


I know that I’ve said this many times but I feel I can’t emphasize it enough -- IMPROVING CONSCIOUSNESS IS THE KEY TO A GOOD LIFE!

Why?  Because as we improve consciousness we increase our effectiveness and the quality of our experience ... we live with more ease and often do much better than we expect.

However, valuable as all this might be, within us lies a great stumbling block -- our own ego. Ego is usually not interested in consciousness expansion. It’s much more interested in defending and bolstering our present positions and maintaining the status quo.  It leads us away from consciousness expansion. 

Normally, ego will not lead us to think, “I don’t know,” or, “I should listen more closely to others and see what I can learn.” Instead, it usually leads us to conclude that we know well enough and much better than most others; it makes us overly critical and often feel either unrealistically superior or inferior to others – producing a gulf between us and others … even those we choose to love.

Here are two techniques to help avoid and escape ego traps: observe when your thoughts are becoming ego-driven and back away from them. And, recognize that all people are fundamentally the same -- we all strive to survive, seek pleasure, eliminate pain and do our best to achieve a better life; the main difference is only the level of consciousness at which we operate.

By resisting the temptation of being automatically controlled by ego we raise our consciousness level – and here lies the key to having a much better life.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.